First War Medals of Charles & William Knight - William Ernest Knight, Canadian Army Medical Corps: British War Medal (527595 PTE. W.E. KNIGHT. C.A.M.C.); and Victory Medal (527595 PTE. W.E. KNIGHT. C.A.M.C.). Naming is officially impressed. Unmounted, dark patina on the BWM, gilt wear on the VM, light contact, original ribbons, very fine. Accompanied by a CD containing twenty-five pages with copies of his Index Cards, Attestation Paper, Service Records, Medical Records and Discharge Certificates. Charles Edwin Knight, 58th Infantry Battalion, KIA: British War Medal (654629 PTE. C.E. KNIGHT. 58-CAN.INF.); and Victory Medal (654629 PTE. C.E. KNIGHT. 58-CAN.INF.). Naming is officially impressed. Unmounted, dark patina on the BWM, light contact, better than very fine. Accompanying paperwork on the same CD as his brother's information, containing nine pages with copies of his Index Cards, Attestation Paper, Service Records, Medical Records and Will.
Footnote: William Ernest Knight was born on February 9, 1885 in Goderich, Ontario. He signed his Attestation Paper on January 7, 1916 in Toronto, Ontario with the Canadian Army Medical Corps, naming his next-of-kin as his mother, Mr. C. Jennie Knight of Sarnia, Ontario, stating that he had three months previous service with the CAMC as a Private, that he was not married and that his trade was that of Druggist. A year before enlisting, he had been treated for a case of Gonorrhea, that began in February and lasted until the end of April 1915. He was placed with "B" Section, No. 2 Field Ambulance Depot (5th R.D.). Knight embarked Halifax, Nova Scotia aboard the S.S. Olympic on April 1, 1916, arriving in Liverpool, England on the 13th. He was taken on strength at Paraher Camp at Dibgate, detailed for duty to No. 1 A.D.M.S., then transferred from the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training School to No. 1 Medical Stores Depot at Folkestone on May 1, 1916, where he was to serve for almost one year. On March 9, 1917, he was transferred to the CAMC Field Ambulance at Folkestone, for service upon hospital ships for the next fifteen months. His first ship was the HMHS Letitia at Westenhanger, Kent, and was taken on strength on March 10th. Three days later, he received the rank of Acting Sergeant on March 13th. After five months with HMHS Letitia, he was attached for DQRD on August 23rd. He was transferred the following month to HMHS Araguaya at Liverpool on September 11, 1917, for trans-Atlantic service via Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is documented as having been at Halifax on December 12, 1917, then returning from being on command at Halifax on January 1, 1918. After six months with HMHS Araguaya, he was transferred to the CAMC Depot at Shorncliffe, then placed on command at No. 5 Canadian General Hospital, Liverpool on March 4, 1918. Two weeks later, he was transferred to his third hospital ship, the Canadian HMHS Llandovery Castle on March 18th. The HMS Llandovery Castle later became a casualty itself of the war on a voyage from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Liverpool, England, as it was torpedoed off southern Ireland on June 27, 1918 with the loss of 234 lives. In terms of the number of dead, the sinking was the most significant Canadian naval disaster of WWI. Fortunately for Knight, he spent eleven weeks with HMHS Llanddovery Castle and was transferred to the CAMC Depot at Liverpool on June 4, 1918, missing the ill-fated voyage by three weeks. He also reverted to the rank of Private on posting from HMHS Llandovery Castle. Knight was at the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp, when he was struck off strength on proceeding overseas to the 4th Canadian Division in France on September 21, 1918, arriving there on October 3rd, and posted to No. 13 Canadian Field Ambulance in the field on October 5th. Although the war was nearing its final stages, there were still casualties to be attended to. Knight was with No. 13 Canadian Field Ambulance for eleven weeks, when he himself became ill, experiencing a fainting spell, on December 19, 1918, then diagnosed with "Chronic Bronchitis". He was admitted to No. 48 Casualty Clearing Station, then transferred No. 32 Stationary Hospital at Wimereaux on December 23rd. He was invalided "sick" from St. Denis, France to England and admitted to No. 2 Western General Hospital in Manchester on January 14, 1919. After three weeks in Manchester, he was transferred to the Military Convalescent Hospital at Epsom on the 30th, with Knight experiencing a "cough, shortness of breath". His hospitalization continued, as he was transferred to the Kings Canadian Red Cross Special Hospital at Bushy Park on February 17th, then returned to the Military Convalescent Hospital at Epsom on April 29th. It was here that his condition was determined to be severe enough, that he was ordered invalided to Canada. He was struck off strength of the Overseas Military Forces of Canada at Witley on May 23rd. Upon arrival in Canada, he was taken on strength at No. 2 District Depot in Toronto on May 23, 1919, then transferred to Spadina Military Hospital in Toronto on June 4th. It was noted in his medical records at Spadina, on June 21, 1919, that Knight "Can walk 4-5 miles without trouble", that he had "no shortness of breath, feeling O.K." and that there was "no evidence of bronchitis beyond (a) morning cough". In his Medical History of an Invalid, dated June 24, 1919 at Spadina Military Hospital, it was made clear the his Bronchitis was the result of an infection and condition incurred while on Active Service in France in 1918. It noted that he experienced "Partial loss of function of (his) Respiratory System due to Bronchitis" and that upon examination, that his "Chest (was) rather rigid above. Sternum high. Resonance generally is good. No adventitious sounds. No evidence of Bronchitis beyond morning cough. For the last few years he has been subject to recurring attacks of coughing in the winter. (His) Wind has improved since returning to Canada & is better in the country than in the city." It also noted that "Before enlistment (he) had occasional attacks during the winter." Having been in hospital in England for five months and one month in Canada, it was recommended "that he be discharged as medically unfit." Knight was discharged as being "Medically Unfit" on July 5, 1919 at No. 2 District Depot in Toronto and was entitled to 183 days War Service Gratuity. He was credited with having served in England and France and entitled to wear the War Service Badge, Class "A", number 318539.
Charles Edwin Knight was born on July 27, 1896 in Sarnia, Ontario. He signed his Attestation Paper with the 161st "Huron" Infantry Battalion on March 20, 1916 in Goderich, Ontario, naming his next-of-kin as his father, William R. Knight of Sarnia, stating that he had no previous military service, that he was not married and that his trade was that of Factory Hand. While in Canada, Knight was Absent Without Leave on June 12th and forfeited two days pay for his actions. The Battalion was raised in Huron County, Ontario with mobilization headquarters at London, under the authority of G.O. 151, December 22, 1915. The Battalion sailed October 30, 1916 aboard the S.S. Lapland, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel H.B. Combe with a strength of 28 officers and 749 other ranks, arriving in England on November 11th. A little over two weeks later, he was transferred to the 58th Infantry Battalion on November 27th in France, taken on strength in the field in on the 29th. He committed and was punished for a second infraction, when he was sentenced to two days Field Punishment No.1 for "destroying government property" on May 12, 1917. He was admitted to No. 22 General Hospital Dannes at Camiers on July 2, 1917, with a slight inflammation of the ligamentous connective tissue (I.C.T.) in his heel, then transferred to No. 6 Convalescent Depot at Etaples on July 15th, before being discharged on the 20th and taken on strength as Class "A" on the 21st. Four weeks later, he was transferred to the 3rd Entrenching Battalion on August 16th, arriving with them on the 19th. He returned to the 58th Infantry Battalion three weeks afterwards, on September 7th. Knight was with the 58th Infantry Battalion when he was Killed in Action on October 26, 1917, at the age of 20, in an attack west of Passchendaele, on the first day of the Second Battle of Passchendaele, which was the culminating attack during the Third Battle of Ypres. He is remembered with honour at the Menin Gate (Ypres) Memorial, Panel 18-24-26-30. It bears the names of 55,000 men who were lost without trace during the defence of the Ypres Salient in the First World War. In his Will, dated October 3, 1916, he left everything to his mother, Mrs. C. Jennie Knight of Sarnia. She would also have received his Memorial Cross, which is not included here.