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Germany, Wehrmacht. A Collection Of Early War Awards, Documents, & Photographs, Infantry Regiment 488
Germany, Wehrmacht. A Collection Of Early War Awards, Documents, & Photographs, Infantry Regiment 488
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Awards and Insignia:
1. A Flag Bearers Sleeve Insignia, post-1945 manufacture, constructed in the shape of a shield in dark green wool, presenting two crossed elaborately detailed flags, constructed of light green wool, with a black Wehrmacht eagle rimmed in white superimposed at the crossing point, below is an aluminum bullion wire oak leaf pattern of five leaves and two acorns, measuring 10.4 cm (w) x 11 cm (h), and in very fine condition.
2. A Wound Badge, Silver Grade, constructed of feinzink, the obverse depicts a Stahlhelm (Steel Helmet) bearing a mobile swastika on top of crossed swords over a pebbled field with a laurel branch wreath, reverse plain with a vertical needle style pin, integrated hinge, and an integrated catch, measuring 36.23 mm (w) x 43.77 mm (h), weighing 33.1 grams, and in very fine condition.
3. An Infantry Assault Badge, Silver Grade, by C.E. Juncker, constructed in silvered zink, comprising of an oval shaped oak leaf wreath, both sides consisting of four upwards-pointing leaves, the bottom of the badge has a stylized bow holding the wreath together, the wreath itself is crossed by the rifle with its bayonet pointing upwards from lower right to the upper left, the top of the wreath is decorated by an army eagle looking to the right, in its claws it holds the upper arm of the mobile swastika, the reverse presents the number 2 for maker C.E. Juncker, the reverse holds the vertical needle arrangement consisting of non-magnetic, stamped hinge and stamped catch, measuring 46.30 mm (w) x 60.57 mm (h), weighing 23.9 grams, and in near very fine condition.
4. A medal bar with five medals and decorations, consisting of a 1939 Iron Cross, II Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1939 2. Klasse), a cross pattée of multi-piece construction with a blackened iron core (magnetic) within a ribbed border, the obverse with a raised central swastika and re-institution date 1939 in raised numbering on the lower arm, the reverse with the original institution date 1813 in raised numbering on the lower arm, measuring 44.07 mm (w) x 49.12 mm (h), weighing 23.2 grams, and in very fine condition. A War Merit Cross, II Class with Swords (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern). A Maltese cross in bronze, the obverse with crossed swords between the arms of the cross and a circular raised border of oak leaves on the obverse with a raised mobile swastika in the center, the reverse presents a circular raised border of oak leaves bearing the institution date 1939 in raised numbering, measuring 48.85 mm (w) x 49.19 mm (h), weighing 24.7 grams,and in extremely fine condition. A Long Service Award for 12 Years of Service, constructed of circular, gilded magnetic metal, the obverse presents a German eagle, circumscribed by German Gothic lettering TREUE DIENSTE IN DER WEHRMACHT (FAITHFUL SERVICE IN THE ARMED FORCES), the reverse presents the raised number 12 surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves, measuring 30.1 mm in diameter, weighing 11.8 grams, and in very fine condition. A Long Service Award for 4 Years of Service, constructed of circular, silvered magnetic metal, the obverse presents a German eagle, circumscribed by German Gothic lettering TREUE DIENSTE IN DER WEHRMACHT (FAITHFUL SERVICE IN THE ARMED FORCES), the reverse presents the raised number 4 surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves, measuring 29.97 mm in diameter, weighing 11.7 grams, and in very fine condition. A Commemorative Anschluss medal, in silvered bronze, the obverse with two raised male figures, the one on the right bearing the German flag in his left hand, with his right hand placed around the shoulders of the figure on the left, with broken chains around his right arm, with the German eagle directly below, the reverse with the date 13 MÄRZ 1938 centrally and circumscribed Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer (One People, One Country, One Leader), measuring 32.33 mm in diameter, weighing 13.2 grams, and in near very fine condition. All affixed to appropriate ribbons on a 145 mm long metal bar, with a dark blue backer, with horizontal pinback.
5. A medal ribbon bar with an Anschluss Commemorative Medal ribbon and miniature, on a horizontal pinback, measuring 25 mm (w) x 18 mm (h), and in good condition.
6. A medal ribbon bar with an Anschluss Commemorative Medal ribbon and miniature and a Long Service ribbon, on a horizontal pinback, measuring 29 mm (w) x 17 mm (h), and in good condition.
1. A 4 Year Long Service Award (Dienstauszeichnung IV. Klasse) award document, to Oberjäger Karl Fischer, dated 2 October 1936 in München, signed in black ink by the Oberst and Kommandeur der Gebirgs-Brigade, measuring 20.9 cm (w) x 29.6 cm (h), and in near very fine condition.
2. An Anschluss Commemorative Medal (Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938) award document, to Oberjäger Karl Fischer, dated 8 November 1938 in Berlin, with a facsimile signature of Otto Meissner, measuring 20.9 cm (w) x 29.7 cm (h), and in near very fine condition.
3. A document naming the promotion of Karl Fischer to Feldwebel, dated 26 January 1939, signed in black ink, measuring 20.9 cm (w) x 29.55 cm (h), and in very fine condition.
4. An Iron Cross, II Class (Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse) award document, to Feldwebel Karl Fischer, dated 31 March 1940, with a facsimile signature of the Generalmajor and Division Commander, measuring 14 cm (w) x 20 cm (h), presents two punched holes on left side and a folding crease, and in near very fine condition.
5. A letter to Karl Fischer in a military hospital from his company leader, informing him he was awarded the Iron Cross II Class, dated 3 April 1940, measuring 21 cm (w) x 29.8 cm (h), with two punched holes on left edge, presenting folding creases and soiling, and in good condition.
6. A Wound Badge, Silver Grade, (Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber) award document to Feldwebel Karl Fischer, dated 3 March 1941 in Lindau, signed in black ink, measuring 13.9 cm (w) x 20 cm (h), and in good condition.
7. A Notice of Obligation to serve in the military for 12 years, dated 1 October 1929, measuring
8. An application for reimbursement for moving house from Schelldorf to Boos, signed by the mayor to provide proof of residence, measuring 21 cm (w) x 14.8 cm (h), and in fair condition.
9. A document naming the promotion of Karl Fischer to Stabsfeldwebel, dated 23 October 1941, signed in black ink, measuring 21 cm (w) x 29.57 cm (h), presenting folding creases and soiling, and in near very fine condition.
10. A large black-and-white studio portrait of Fischer in uniform, measuring 23.8 cm (w) x 29.8 cm (h), and in very fine condition.
11. A large black-and-white photograph of Fischer and other flag bearers, reverse presents stamp stating PHOTO H. KOHLSCHMIDT GARMISCH ZUGSPITZSTRAßE 118 AN DER JÄGER KASERNE, measuring 23.8 cm (w) x 17.8 cm (h), and in very fine condition.
12. A large black-and-white photograph of Fischer and other flag bearers, reverse presents stamp stating PHOTO H. KOHLSCHMIDT GARMISCH ZUGSPITZSTRAßE 118 AN DER JÄGER KASERNE, measuring 18 cm (w) x 23.9 cm (h), edges present ripping, and in fair condition.
13. A picture postcard presenting a black-and-white photograph of flag bearers marching through a city centre, reverse presents the stamp PHOTO KLETT, GARMISCH, unused, measuring 13.1 cm (w) x 8 cm (h), and in very fine condition.
14. A small, black-and-white studio portrait of Fischer in uniform, reverse stamped Photohaus Rux, measuring 6 cm (w) x 9 cm (h), and in better than very fine condition.
Footnote: Karl Fischer was born on 26 May 1909 in Winterrieden, Bavaria. He joined the Wehrmacht in 1929, serving with the 2nd Company of Mountain Troops Regiment 99 from 1936 to 1939. He received the 4 Year Long Service Award on 2 October 1936 and the Anschluss Commemorative Medal on 8 November 1938. That winter, Fischer received the promotion to Feldwebel (Sergeant). In 1940, his company joined what became the 9th Company of the Infantry Regiment 488. Fischer was wounded on 28 March 1940, for which he received the Wound Badge Silver Grade in March 1941. He also received the Iron Cross, II Class. On 1 October 1941, he was promoted to Stabsfeldwebel (Master Staff Sergeant). Fischer was also awarded the Infantry Assault Badge, Silver Grade (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen, Silber), the War Merit Cross, II Class with Swords, (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern), and the Long Service Award for 12 Years of Service (Dienstauszeichnung für 12 Dienstjahre).
Awards and Insignia:
1. A Flag Bearers Sleeve Insignia, post-1945 manufacture, constructed in the shape of a shield in dark green wool, presenting two crossed elaborately detailed flags, constructed of light green wool, with a black Wehrmacht eagle rimmed in white superimposed at the crossing point, below is an aluminum bullion wire oak leaf pattern of five leaves and two acorns, measuring 10.4 cm (w) x 11 cm (h), and in very fine condition.
2. A Wound Badge, Silver Grade, constructed of feinzink, the obverse depicts a Stahlhelm (Steel Helmet) bearing a mobile swastika on top of crossed swords over a pebbled field with a laurel branch wreath, reverse plain with a vertical needle style pin, integrated hinge, and an integrated catch, measuring 36.23 mm (w) x 43.77 mm (h), weighing 33.1 grams, and in very fine condition.
3. An Infantry Assault Badge, Silver Grade, by C.E. Juncker, constructed in silvered zink, comprising of an oval shaped oak leaf wreath, both sides consisting of four upwards-pointing leaves, the bottom of the badge has a stylized bow holding the wreath together, the wreath itself is crossed by the rifle with its bayonet pointing upwards from lower right to the upper left, the top of the wreath is decorated by an army eagle looking to the right, in its claws it holds the upper arm of the mobile swastika, the reverse presents the number 2 for maker C.E. Juncker, the reverse holds the vertical needle arrangement consisting of non-magnetic, stamped hinge and stamped catch, measuring 46.30 mm (w) x 60.57 mm (h), weighing 23.9 grams, and in near very fine condition.
4. A medal bar with five medals and decorations, consisting of a 1939 Iron Cross, II Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1939 2. Klasse), a cross pattée of multi-piece construction with a blackened iron core (magnetic) within a ribbed border, the obverse with a raised central swastika and re-institution date 1939 in raised numbering on the lower arm, the reverse with the original institution date 1813 in raised numbering on the lower arm, measuring 44.07 mm (w) x 49.12 mm (h), weighing 23.2 grams, and in very fine condition. A War Merit Cross, II Class with Swords (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern). A Maltese cross in bronze, the obverse with crossed swords between the arms of the cross and a circular raised border of oak leaves on the obverse with a raised mobile swastika in the center, the reverse presents a circular raised border of oak leaves bearing the institution date 1939 in raised numbering, measuring 48.85 mm (w) x 49.19 mm (h), weighing 24.7 grams,and in extremely fine condition. A Long Service Award for 12 Years of Service, constructed of circular, gilded magnetic metal, the obverse presents a German eagle, circumscribed by German Gothic lettering TREUE DIENSTE IN DER WEHRMACHT (FAITHFUL SERVICE IN THE ARMED FORCES), the reverse presents the raised number 12 surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves, measuring 30.1 mm in diameter, weighing 11.8 grams, and in very fine condition. A Long Service Award for 4 Years of Service, constructed of circular, silvered magnetic metal, the obverse presents a German eagle, circumscribed by German Gothic lettering TREUE DIENSTE IN DER WEHRMACHT (FAITHFUL SERVICE IN THE ARMED FORCES), the reverse presents the raised number 4 surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves, measuring 29.97 mm in diameter, weighing 11.7 grams, and in very fine condition. A Commemorative Anschluss medal, in silvered bronze, the obverse with two raised male figures, the one on the right bearing the German flag in his left hand, with his right hand placed around the shoulders of the figure on the left, with broken chains around his right arm, with the German eagle directly below, the reverse with the date 13 MÄRZ 1938 centrally and circumscribed Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer (One People, One Country, One Leader), measuring 32.33 mm in diameter, weighing 13.2 grams, and in near very fine condition. All affixed to appropriate ribbons on a 145 mm long metal bar, with a dark blue backer, with horizontal pinback.
5. A medal ribbon bar with an Anschluss Commemorative Medal ribbon and miniature, on a horizontal pinback, measuring 25 mm (w) x 18 mm (h), and in good condition.
6. A medal ribbon bar with an Anschluss Commemorative Medal ribbon and miniature and a Long Service ribbon, on a horizontal pinback, measuring 29 mm (w) x 17 mm (h), and in good condition.
1. A 4 Year Long Service Award (Dienstauszeichnung IV. Klasse) award document, to Oberjäger Karl Fischer, dated 2 October 1936 in München, signed in black ink by the Oberst and Kommandeur der Gebirgs-Brigade, measuring 20.9 cm (w) x 29.6 cm (h), and in near very fine condition.
2. An Anschluss Commemorative Medal (Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938) award document, to Oberjäger Karl Fischer, dated 8 November 1938 in Berlin, with a facsimile signature of Otto Meissner, measuring 20.9 cm (w) x 29.7 cm (h), and in near very fine condition.
3. A document naming the promotion of Karl Fischer to Feldwebel, dated 26 January 1939, signed in black ink, measuring 20.9 cm (w) x 29.55 cm (h), and in very fine condition.
4. An Iron Cross, II Class (Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse) award document, to Feldwebel Karl Fischer, dated 31 March 1940, with a facsimile signature of the Generalmajor and Division Commander, measuring 14 cm (w) x 20 cm (h), presents two punched holes on left side and a folding crease, and in near very fine condition.
5. A letter to Karl Fischer in a military hospital from his company leader, informing him he was awarded the Iron Cross II Class, dated 3 April 1940, measuring 21 cm (w) x 29.8 cm (h), with two punched holes on left edge, presenting folding creases and soiling, and in good condition.
6. A Wound Badge, Silver Grade, (Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber) award document to Feldwebel Karl Fischer, dated 3 March 1941 in Lindau, signed in black ink, measuring 13.9 cm (w) x 20 cm (h), and in good condition.
7. A Notice of Obligation to serve in the military for 12 years, dated 1 October 1929, measuring
8. An application for reimbursement for moving house from Schelldorf to Boos, signed by the mayor to provide proof of residence, measuring 21 cm (w) x 14.8 cm (h), and in fair condition.
9. A document naming the promotion of Karl Fischer to Stabsfeldwebel, dated 23 October 1941, signed in black ink, measuring 21 cm (w) x 29.57 cm (h), presenting folding creases and soiling, and in near very fine condition.
10. A large black-and-white studio portrait of Fischer in uniform, measuring 23.8 cm (w) x 29.8 cm (h), and in very fine condition.
11. A large black-and-white photograph of Fischer and other flag bearers, reverse presents stamp stating PHOTO H. KOHLSCHMIDT GARMISCH ZUGSPITZSTRAßE 118 AN DER JÄGER KASERNE, measuring 23.8 cm (w) x 17.8 cm (h), and in very fine condition.
12. A large black-and-white photograph of Fischer and other flag bearers, reverse presents stamp stating PHOTO H. KOHLSCHMIDT GARMISCH ZUGSPITZSTRAßE 118 AN DER JÄGER KASERNE, measuring 18 cm (w) x 23.9 cm (h), edges present ripping, and in fair condition.
13. A picture postcard presenting a black-and-white photograph of flag bearers marching through a city centre, reverse presents the stamp PHOTO KLETT, GARMISCH, unused, measuring 13.1 cm (w) x 8 cm (h), and in very fine condition.
14. A small, black-and-white studio portrait of Fischer in uniform, reverse stamped Photohaus Rux, measuring 6 cm (w) x 9 cm (h), and in better than very fine condition.
Footnote: Karl Fischer was born on 26 May 1909 in Winterrieden, Bavaria. He joined the Wehrmacht in 1929, serving with the 2nd Company of Mountain Troops Regiment 99 from 1936 to 1939. He received the 4 Year Long Service Award on 2 October 1936 and the Anschluss Commemorative Medal on 8 November 1938. That winter, Fischer received the promotion to Feldwebel (Sergeant). In 1940, his company joined what became the 9th Company of the Infantry Regiment 488. Fischer was wounded on 28 March 1940, for which he received the Wound Badge Silver Grade in March 1941. He also received the Iron Cross, II Class. On 1 October 1941, he was promoted to Stabsfeldwebel (Master Staff Sergeant). Fischer was also awarded the Infantry Assault Badge, Silver Grade (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen, Silber), the War Merit Cross, II Class with Swords, (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern), and the Long Service Award for 12 Years of Service (Dienstauszeichnung für 12 Dienstjahre).

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